Security Myths You Need To Stop Believing

The Internet is a fantastic resource for information, where anyone can upload his or her knowledge to the web. But anyone means anyone, so the data is not always correct and can unfortunately spread false reports about certain truths. Here, we debunk popular security myths that have crawled their way around the World Wide Web.

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Additional Security: The Importance of Two-Factor Authentication

The Armor Techs' blog is full of posts discussing security and passwords, and this post is going to be in much of the same vein. The security of your data on the web is becoming (read: has always been) super important, and the companies we rely on to use our data fairly and transparently aren't upholding their end of the bargain. On top of that, there are countless people and companies participating in less-than-legal practices to obtain your data, whether it be phishing, hacking, or scamming it away from you.

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