Many businesses are struggling to keep up with present-day marketing trends, especially when it comes to methods of capturing your ideal audience on Facebook. Facebook is a blessing for small businesses, as it’s another way to get in front of your potential clients or customers and be accessible to them 24/7. However, properly leveraging Facebook isn’t always the easiest thing for a business owner to figure out right off the bat. Luckily, there are quite a few free tools within Facebook that can help you ensure you are targeting your audience correctly.
Facebook’s Insight tools are an excellent way to read into what the people are like, who already follow your page. This gives you data based on what the user has entered into their own personal profile, such as gender, age, country, city, and language. It also allows you to dig deeper and see the same information for the people who have actually engaged with your posts, which is what you really want. To access Facebook’s Insight tools, go to your Facebook page and click the “Insights” tab located at the top. From there, you can change the date range (from today-last 28 days), and click through the menu on the left to see what each tool shows you.
Next, comes perhaps the easiest tool: instead of searching for a friend or page, you can simply type in the search bar at the top of Facebook to find things your target audience may like. For instance, we typed, “interests liked by people who like technology,” and got numerous recommendations. The recommendations included things like sleeping, computers, psychology, reading, internet, and more—all of which have millions of likes on the pages. You can even be more specific about it. We changed our search to, “pages liked by men who like technology,” and got results like Jim Breyer, Steve Wozniak, WIRED, Bill Gates, Nick Bilton, and more. This is an excellent tool to use if you aren’t really sure where to start with interest targeting.
My personal favorite tool is Facebook’s Audience Insights: here, you can look at more specific demographics for people who like your page already or for everyone on Facebook. For instance, we selected people who like our page and found out that 65% of our page likes are men, 50% of the people who like our page are married, and 75% of them have a college education. You can also dig deeper into these insights and see what the most popular liked pages are among your audience, their frequency of activities, their household income and size, and general purchase behaviors. This tool really gets down to the nitty-gritty about the people who follow your page. To use the Audience Insight tool, make sure you add the place(s) you are targeting in the menu on the left. Then, add in what interest(s) you are targeting for. Doing so should give you everything you need, however you can also add in more specifics such as age range, location, gender, and pages they are not connected to.
Perhaps the most important thing you can do is to take all of the information you gathered from the notes above and to create ads targeting your specific audience(s), based on the data you found. See which ads performed the best and which groups provided the most leads and conversions. That way, you will know for the future how to structure your ads with similar goals. Unfortunately, there isn’t a fool-proof guide that will definitely increase your Facebook page follows (and, hopefully, turn in more business). Starting up can be a complete time-consuming headache, but as with anything, the time you put in is reflected in what you will get out. Experiment with various targeting strategies, wording, and budgets, and you will surely find something that works for you and your business. Fill out the form below to have Armor help boost your Facebook presence.