Spring Cleaning: Reduce, Repair, Recycle Your Old Electronics

We've all had issues with our electronics. So, what is the best thing to do with your failing personal device? Your first thought shouldn't be to throw out and replace the device, as you will most likely end up spending money that you didn't need to. The best option is almost always to REPAIR your device.

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Backup, Backup, Backup: The 3-2-1 Data Backup Method

  • Post author:
  • Post published:January 21, 2019
  • Post category:Good Idea

One of the most common problems we see here at Armor is failing hard drives, and more often than not, the customer does not have a backup of their data. If you do not wish to lose your data, you need to have a backup. Most people are surprised by the failure of their hard drive. However, the hard drive itself is the most complicated part of the computer. There is an electro-mechanical arm that reads data on a disk spinning at thousands of RPMs, which is thermally expanding and contracting inside the hard drive.

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Getting Good at Google

  • Post author:
  • Post published:January 17, 2019
  • Post category:Good Idea

This blog post is a follow-up to the Armor Techs Podcast S2E4 and outlines all of the features of the Search Engines we discussed. For readability's sake, I'll be splitting this post into the same two sections as the Podcast: the Consumer and Internet Marketing side of Getting Good at Google.

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